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US Legal Forms is one of the largest and oldest online libraries of legal forms in the US. Launched back in 1997, US Legal Forms now has over 2.5 million happy customers. The library offers thousands of high-quality, diverse, and ready-to-use legal templates; from personal finance and insurance to vendor contracts and corporate forms; from marriage contracts and divorce forms to living wills and affidavits.
As a truly DIY legal solution, US Legal Forms has an extremely large audience; from individual consumers in search of a one-time personal form which they would like to fill independently to attorneys and small businesses looking for a quality source of templates at reasonable pricing.
A US Legal Forms advantage is that its library is full of state-specific forms that are checked for compliance and applicability on a regular basis by certified professionals.
The Basic monthly US Legal Forms subscription includes unlimited access to over 85k forms. The Premium subscription comes with everything Basic has to offer, plus an online PDF form-builder and e-signature solution.
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Store Supply Warehouse has been serving the retail and small business industries for over 25 years. We provide the very best in store fixtures and supplies for small businesses, online retailers, boutiques and more. Whether you are looking for a full line of retail bags and packaging, clothing racks, hangers, jewelry supplies, display cases and more, storesupply.com is always open to get you what you need to start or maintain your business.
The Store Supply Warehouse philosophy is very simple. “Take care of the customer every time without hesitation.” We are devoted to delivering complete customer satisfaction by way of respect, knowledge and teamwork. We offer the lowest prices guaranteed anywhere, and with our super fast shipping, we are able to get you what your business needs when you need it. Let Store Supply Warehouse help you build the store of your dreams!
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Owen established Millennium Buildings in 2017 to offer the highest quality steel structures to clients across the country. Over the next few years, Millennium Buildings has become an industry leader with an experienced team that continues to deliver excellent customer service and prices that can’t be beat.
Our buildings are fully customizable, and our expert design consultants and sales specialists are on hand to help you dream up and build out a structure that perfectly fits your needs.
Millennium Buildings offers top of the line structures manufactured with only the highest quality materials on the market. We offer a Limited 10-25 year warranty, and all buildings come with a up to 1 year workmanship satisfaction based on your location to ensure your satisfaction.
As a combat veteran-owned company, we are dedicated to giving back to the combat veteran community. We understand the sacrifices you have made and strive to show our gratitude for every combat veteran and active military person’s service. As a token of appreciation we offer a Military Discount to our combat veteran customers.
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North America's #1 trusted source for Crowd Control, Traffic Control, Public Guidance, and Safety products factory direct at wholesale pricing since 2005. The online catalog includes an extensive list of crowd control products, Including Retractable Belt Barrier Stanchions, Post & Rope Stanchions, Steel Metal Barricades, Jersey Barriers, Traffic Barrels, Sign Stands and Frames, Plastic Barricades, and Plastic Stanchion Posts.
Crowd Control Warehouse sells directly from the factory at wholesale pricing. Product specialists are proud of their outstanding customer service. A specialist will be happy to help you find the perfect stanchion, customize a product with your logo for an upcoming event, or find the right barricade for your construction site. Crowd Control Warehouse offers its signature CCW Series products, and is a preferred Distributor for Queue Solutions, Visiontron, Tensabarrier Compatible, and other top crowd control manufacturers.
Crowd Control Warehouse prices it's product direct from the factory, always the lowest wholesale price in the market. Crowd Control Warehouse does not offer gimmicks or holiday sales forcing customers to wait for the best opportunity to buy - the lowest prices are offered 100% of the time.
A product specialist will be happy to help match a product to your requirements, to customize a product with your brand or logo, or to discuss discounted pricing on bulk purchases. Contact Crowd Control Warehouse today at 847-991-9900.
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Modern Office is a small family-owned and operated office furniture company that has been located in Eden Prairie, Minnesota for over 35 years. Our serious attention and assistance to our customers has made us an office furniture provider to over 100,000 businesses and institutions worldwide.
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We are Graphic Products, the home of the DuraLabel line of industrial label and sign printers, all-purpose floor marking, multi-language signs and labels, and colored pipe markers for any facility’s compliance and safety requirements.
Our customers utilize these solutions to reduce workplace incidents, communciate better, and increase worker productivity and revenue.
Create Facility-wide Safety, Efficiency, and Strong Worker Communication
Safety managers need to be able to create signs and labels for customized safety communication in multiple locations. OSHA regulations and National Emphasis Programs require operations to have updated signage to be compliant.
Graphic Products + DuraLabel helps you create communication, compliance, and efficiency in your facility. When you need signs and labels for worker safety, floor marking, blind spot protection, pipe marking, ANSI standards, complex chemical labels, or worksite efficiency, Graphic Products + DuraLabel makes it easy. Mark your facility with required compliance communication on high-quality, durable supplies that withstand harsh industrial conditions.
And free LabelForge PRO software includes an industry-leading library of compliance label templates, and thousands of ANSI standard symbols that help you meet regulatory requirements, save time, and increase worker protection.
And we back up your products with world-class support and warranties.
Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you. If you have questions about your visual safety requirements, please give us a call Graphic Products for a consultation and virtual assessment. We’ll help you plan your current and future Safety Programs: 1-888-637-3893./ www.graphicproducts.com
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Briden Solutions is a family owned and operated business located in Calgary, Alberta. Our goal is to help our fellow Canadians feel the Peace of Mind that comes from being prepared for natural disasters like floods, earthquake, tornado, wildfire, ice storms, winter storms, etc. And also more far reaching emergency scenarios like pandemics and economic or political instability.
These are issues that impact people across this country all the time. We want to teach you what you need to do today so that you can be better prepared for tomorrow. No matter what may come.
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Mr. Shrinkwrap is a leading distributor of shrink film and shrink wrap supplies & installation accessories. With over 25 years in the business, we can provide expert installation advice & offer quality shrink wrap supplies. We ship a variety of products daily from our main warehouse in suburban Philadelphia, PA as well as the ability to ship directly from many of the manufacturers that we we represent. Our distribution network allows us to reach most US cities in 3 days or less by ground. We offer discounted pricing for business customers please contact us for business pricing. We are expanding our distribution network worldwide, for distribution opportunities, send us an email.
Mr. Shrinkwrap also specializes in providing on-site shrink wrap services in a variety of commercial, industrial, residential and agricultural applications. We have extensive experience with all packaging and construction application of shrink wrapping; in terms of size, we have wrapped entire buildings to small pallet sized items for shipping.
The benefits of shrinkwrap often translate into a more cost effective packaging or storage option for many businesses. Mr. Shrinkwrap has consulted with and trained the staff of many companies who have incorporated shrink wrap into their process, contact us today to find out if shrink wrap can benefit your company.
Contact us at 1-800-847-5290
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Welcome to Transcription Panda! We provide high quality audio and video transcription services to universities, corporations, non-profits, law offices, municipalities, and invididuals. Whether you are a post-graduate student having research interviews transcribed, a law firm having video testimony transcribed, or a Fortune 500 company having business meetings transcribed for internal use and future reference; we know your work is important, and we strive to produce high quality work that helps you achieve your objectives.
Our transcription process is built around consistently delivering high quality transcripts to our clients. We hire talented transcriptionists, uphold high internal quality standards, and have each transcript reviewed by our experienced team prior to delivery. Many clients are surprised to learn we do not use speech-recognition software. High quality transcription requires an understanding of the nuances of language and the context in which it is spoken. That is why all of our transcripts are human-generated and human-reviewed.
Visit our website here for more information. We look forward to working with you!
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