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5-star reviews

5-star reviews

Ben T.
07/03/2018 , FL

Highly recommend these if your missing teeth and can't afford a dentist. I am missing two front teeth and have purchased these before. They are only cosmetic. If you smoke or drink coffee, take them out as they will stain over time. Doesn't hurt to have an extra set. You can't eat much with these in as you can't bite down with the front can smile and still kiss :))

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07/02/2018 , TX

These teeth work great! At first today it took me about five tries to get the thermal beads right, but at the end I got it, and now they are better yet. It does take some time to get all the plastic adjusted right to where you do not have speech problems but if you order you will like these teeth. I ordered extra beads and actually glued the beads to the back of the teeth to make it more permanent. Thanks for a great low cost temporary smile until I can get my dental work done.

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07/02/2018 , NY

I fight professionally and I chipped my teeth, so until I can pay for the dentistry work I wear my Secure Smile. Works great, I can smile, talk, even drink. I am so happy with it and it certainly changed my life. THANK YOU

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07/02/2018 , MN

I received my uppers this morning! I have two teeth that are somewhat crooked so I never smile. Secure Smile doesn't look 100 percent real but pretty darn close! The fitting beads just weren't agreeing with me but the denture adhesive worked great! Going to take some time to get use to but will be worth the wait! I love them!!!! :) can't believe it took me this long to find out about this site! Wish I would of known sooner! Great product and received 2 days after I ordered which was great! I would recommend this to anyone!

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Jeff Z.
07/02/2018 , TX

My mother had dentures by the time she was out of High school. My teeth didn't start getting bad until the last several years. I haven't smiled in over 10 years until today. Thank you so much.

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07/02/2018 , SC

I have advancing Lupus; a real pain to cope with, but one thing I truly wasn't prepared for was MY TEETH FALLING OUT, one by one, for a total of 9 now. Embarrassment and humiliation does not come close to describing this horrible situation. I found this product when trips to dentist became a lost cause. IT HAS CHANGED MY LIFE!! I wear them every day, have repeatedly refitted them with extra beads, and THEY ARE GREAT! I actually CAN eat with them although they are not recommended for eating purposes. The BEST thing is that they allow me to not be embarrassed in public, or private (I'm embarrassed to even look at myself much less let others see me), and prevent that horrible "sunk in", "fish mouth" appearance that comes with missing front teeth. And Ladies, they also improve lip lines and wrinkles by adding just the right amount of fullness to your mouth/lips. I have professional partials which are VERY EXPENSIVE and have to be constantly refitted due to "shrinking" and teeth shifting, then another tooth "falls out" and I have to start over again. With Secure Smile all of these problems are avoided for about $40 compared to THOUSANDS of dollars and countless trips to dentists! I cannot say enough GOOD things; in my case, they WORK and work well, both cosmetically and practically. Being "sickly" with a chronic disease is bad enough, but being "toothless" is simply AWFUL. Secure Smile restores my dignity and I don't know what I'd do without them. THANK YOU FOR A GREAT, INEXPENSIVE, LIFE SAVER!!!!

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Angelica R.
07/02/2018 , FL

I've had a life long battle with crooked teeth, my front two teeth stick out a little bit and the two next to it curve back so its really hideous. Two years ago I had braces put on but I only was able to get the tightened once before my family went broke and couldn't afford them any more. A few days ago I took the braces off.

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Michelle V.
07/02/2018 , AR

Good Afternoon, I would like to take a moment to thank you for giving my boyfriend new found confidence and I could not have done this without secure smile. It has now been 3 months and he is fabulous in them and he has been able to drink with them on and also eat soft foods as well. Thank you so much.

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Robin H.
07/02/2018 , CA

My life has changed in so many ways with Secure Smile. The easy to use press on veneers has gave me confidence and boosted my self esteem! I recommend Secure Smile to anyone that has ever been Insecure about Smiling:)

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Ms P.
07/02/2018 , MD

Secure Smile teeth saved my life... I purchase an upper often.. If you need a quick, perfect smile, this will work for you..

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Joshua K.
06/30/2018 , WY

I got mine in the mail a little over a week ago. I don't usually ever come back to someone I have ordered from online but You guys deserve the kudos. You really do. I am a former Police Officer and I had some pretty severe damage to my teeth as a result of a fight I tried to break up while off duty. Being off duty, the departments insurance offered no coverage and I was left on my own. I was left with horrible teeth and was unable to smile or for that matter even walk with my head up. After receiving the Secure Smile teeth in the mail, within an hour my life was changed. I am able to hold my head high and look people in the face when they speak to me. I know it is going to sound like I am making things up here but in the last week I have gone back to dating again and I feel great about myself. You guys are amazing. A great product and an even greater company staffed with caring people who just want to see you happy. Thank you guys so much for giving me my life back and then some. And I mean that sincerely, I really do.

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Belinda B.
06/30/2018 , NC

I wanted to let you know how happy I am with the teeth. It takes some practice to get them more comfortable with the beads and the fact I don't have any missing teeth is probably why its more of a challenge but I think I will get it perfected. You really do make a difference in peoples lives and I will definitely be spreading the word. The dentist's in this area are way overcharging people and that's very sad. I got an estimate to fix my cracked teeth (none of my teeth are missing) its just cosmetic and they gave me an estimate upwards of $10,000.00 which is outrageous and will never be in my budget unless I win the lottery, so when I found these on line there was no way I wasn't going to try them, for the price it was worth it even if they didn't work out but they did and I'm very happy I took the chance. Thanks again and like I said I will be spreading the word!

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06/30/2018 , FL

I plan on using your product for a while anyway. As a former entertainer and singer as well as a Florida Skate board Hall of Famer I meet lots of people and always want to look at my best. I am a disabled veteran and had many teeth repaired in the Navy. After being discharged with only a 50 % disability they no longer take responsibility for my teeth or help me with dental costs so my only alternative that was affordable to get my smile back was through Secure Smile. It has made life so much better for me and helped me with my self esteem as well as my ability to still be the life of a party. Thank You so much for your help.

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Customer Service

06/29/2018 , MO

I'm. Very happy I found Secure. smile. I have had to have several teeth pulled but cannot afford dentures at this time. They look. great and I am not embarrassed anymore to smile. Thank you for giving me my smile back.

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06/29/2018 , ON

Very good product

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Leslie R.
06/29/2018 , AL

All of my teeth started breaking off with my 1st pregnancy 21 years ago, and continued to worsen. I was looking for a temp solution while saving for my dental work. Secure Smile has restored my smile and confidence! I couldn't imagine not having them now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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06/29/2018 , SC

Greetings, I was glad to see that someone understands the need that people have when it comes to dental work!! I am disabled and fell and cracked my front tooth. The dentist told me it would cost $1500.00 to repair, I decided to give you a try and I am so glad that I did. This veneer is light weight a life like.... even my family members can't tell the difference in my smile.

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06/29/2018 , MO

My teeth have been steadily decaying and deteriorating for many years, due to periodontal disease and drug use in my younger days. The rate of deterioration has accelerated in the last few years and I have gone from being able to at least speak without embarrassment to having no confidence at all whenever I have to open my mouth. I have been jumping from crappy job to crappy job much of my adult life, and could never even begin to consider insanely expensive dental work. then a few years back I got the chance to get into a great line of work. I spent a couple of years at one company learning the ropes of this profession, then found myself needing to find a new position in my field. By this time my teeth had become simply unacceptable in a professional setting. I knew there had to be something that could help me until one day I could afford major dental work. I started searching online and found this product. I ordered it, and was elated when I received the teeth and got them fitted. I looked in the mirror and smiled, wide and proud, for the first time in a decade. I wept. After that I started smiling so much that my face would start to ache, because my facial muscles were unaccustomed to smiling. I had a job interview coming up and I firmly believe that without secure smile, I would not have been hired at the company I'm with now, which has provided me with ample financial security and a real future. I have to order them more often than most people probably would because I wear them all day every day and I do eat while wearing them. But it is well worth it to feel confidant enough to look people in the eyes while talking to them, to not be afraid to interact with others. That life felt like a prison sentence. Now I'm close to being in a financial place where I can afford to go in and finally have my mouth permanently fixed up. If you have any embarrassing tooth issues, get this product. Life is just too short to not smile. However, a word of caution... If your teeth are rotting due to decay, by all means, get this as a temporary fix. But you must find a way to get help with your teeth. What many people don't know is that severe dental health problems can be life threatening. Abscesses are deadly if they spread beyond your mouth. Bad dental health can lead to severe stomach issues and heart issues as well. I cannot thank the makers of secure smile enough. Its rare that a product can be so life changing and do so much good for so many people who desperately need help.

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06/29/2018 , FL

Wow I think this is an amazing product. the changes on my face and confidence is unique i will recommend this product to anyone is been a year of good experience using this product and what it amaze me is that people don't even know is a simple device and they will ask me for my dentist number and when I explain to them you have to see their faces. Again thank you.

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06/29/2018 , OH

This is great low cost solution to buy anyone time to get the money to get dental work. realistic and comfortable. have people with nice real teeth wanting to buy one.

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