www.venture-tactical.com Reviews
6 Product Ratings and Reviews
Overall Star
Sam C - 11/20/2023
awesome product
11/20/2023 - Georgia
great product!!
Dr. C - 06/27/2023
This is a realistic defense training target that is not instantly destroyed if one uses the recommended bullets. The Venture-tactical staff recognized and immediately met my needs, displaying great customer satisfaction concern.
06/27/2023 - Pennsylvania
The shopping experience was quick and easy! I was disappointed when I sent an email to staff after I used the product, offering suggestions for improvement, but never received a reply. But that is my only "negative; "the initial response and service were excellent.
Robert W - 04/25/2023
Extremely satisfied with my purchase. Looking forward to a lot of reps with this thing.
04/25/2023 - Indiana
I will be a returning customer. Very happy with my initial experience.
Shawn M - 03/17/2023
Second one I have purchased great target.
03/17/2023 - Oregon
Great service
Paul T - 03/14/2022
Haven't been able to use it yet due to weather, but base is very sturdy, the welds are really well done. Thick molded rubber, appears that it will take a beating and come back for more.
03/14/2022 - Oregon
Able to find product I was looking for very quick. A couple different options available which was nice. Ability to purchase just the replacement items needed.
Arthur S - 03/05/2022
Great transaction
03/05/2022 - NC
Great customer service
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