8 Product Ratings and Reviews
Men's Reebok Steel Toe Wedge Sole Oxford Shoe RB1975-GWP110
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Overall Star
Nicholas J - 03/25/2024
It’s a very comfortable and lightweight shoe with a reliable steel toe.
03/25/2024 - NY
Easy to use interface and search engine. Very pleased!
Latonja H - 10/29/2023
Nice pair not tight I'm able to put an insert on for more custom and support
10/29/2023 - IN
Good breakdown and reviews of your shoes and boots.
Ron S - 05/31/2023
05/31/2023 - NJ
David D - 06/16/2022
Good fit. Comfortable and lightweight.
A.J. T - 05/03/2022
Love these shoes! The price was just right. The shoe design was awesome. I sprayed some shoe protector on them so now after my day is over I can just wipe them down and they look great still.
05/03/2022 - MI
The site was very easy to use.
Andrew M - 04/04/2022
Gage D - 02/16/2022
Better deal here then on company website
William B - 01/24/2022
Firm but comfortable
01/24/2022 - NY
Company paid for everything so how can I complain
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