About this CompanyWelcome to, we are a UK online rug business selling rugs since 1984. We have a wonderful array of
5 Product Ratings and Reviews
Overall Star
About this Company
Welcome to, we are a UK online rug business selling rugs since 1984. We have a wonderful array of
Rosemary B - 11/08/2019
Just what I wanted
Ordering was straightforward
A H - 11/30/2018
Lovely rug, arrived in a few days, but would have liked some notification as to when it was due to be delivered.
Very easy and straightforward transaction
George F - 11/22/2018
In tone with our room furniture and soft furnishings
11/22/2018 - Fife Scotland
Most satisfactory...subject to delivery standards and reliability
Alan R - 08/30/2018
I wasn’t sure about buying a rug online, unable to see the quality before purchase, but we were not disappointed. The quality was good and we would have struggled to get the same quality at the price rugs direct were quoting, we would buy again
Simple process, goods delivered quickly, happy
Jennie M - 03/06/2016
Loved this rug a lovely pale green,matches my wallpaper,
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