About this CompanyWelcome to Real Heath Products. We are a family owned company that has been in business since 2002. Our mission is to help people live healthier lives. We provide high quality nutritional supplements to assist our customers in improving their health and wellness, or that of their loved ones.
We believe in live communication. Our customers can contact us, either by phone or e-mail, and know that we will always provide them with the nutritional products they need on an individual-by-individual basis to help them get the results we promise.
People are individuals and deserve help on an individual basis.
This is what we are about and why our customers know we care!
If you are looking for an organization that has your best interest in mind, we are here. We look forward to working with you and assisting you to improve your life.
6 Product Ratings and Reviews
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About this Company
Welcome to Real Heath Products. We are a family owned company that has been in business since 2002. Our mission is to help people live healthier lives. We provide high quality nutritional supplements to assist our customers in improving their health and wellness, or that of their loved ones.
We believe in live communication. Our customers can contact us, either by phone or e-mail, and know that we will always provide them with the nutritional products they need on an individual-by-individual basis to help them get the results we promise.
People are individuals and deserve help on an individual basis.
This is what we are about and why our customers know we care!
If you are looking for an organization that has your best interest in mind, we are here. We look forward to working with you and assisting you to improve your life.
K M - 02/07/2024
I am very happy with the Sleep Support Formula. I started out taking the recommended 2 and now just one at night and this is working for me. If you are having trouble falling or staying asleep give this a try!
02/07/2024 - IA
I am very happy with both the products and customer service!! Thank you
Anonymous Customer - 01/09/2024
Testing reviews
Corinne D - 05/08/2012
For someone who has had sleep problems almost all of her adult life, I am very pleased with the Sleep Support Formula. I will take one tablet, then get into bed and read. Before I know it I’m nodding off and go into a peaceful sleep. However, because Arizona is such a dry state I drink a lot of water during the day. It is inevitable that I awake each night around 2 a.m. heeding to nature’s call. There are times when I can get right back to sleep and other times, when there’s too many things on my mind, and I cannot. That’s when I take the second dose of the sleep formula and within one half-hour I am again asleep, instead of staring at the ceiling for 2-3 hours, which is what I used to do. What I truly appreciate about the sleep formula is that at around 7 - 8 a.m. I am ready to face the day - no drowsiness or feeling drugged whether I have taken one or two of the tablets. Thank you for such a fine product.
Linda M - 07/13/2011
I don’t take the supplement every night but when I do take it I can sleep very well and wake up rested. If I have to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom I can usually fall asleep right away again. I would recommend this to anyone who has trouble sleeping.
James H - 05/16/2011
"Since I've been taking the Sleep formula I have experienced more sound regular sleep, with no 'hangover.' I find that I fall asleep quicker. "Two tablets per night have worked wonders for me, as I had been experiencing many sleep-deprived nights. "The Sleep Support Formula is an excellent product, and I highly recommend it."
Josh R - 04/20/2011
I just wanted to say, I think the combination of the pills you gave me, added to the other ones I take, is helping me fall asleep faster, thank you so much
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