About this Company2 Product Ratings and Reviews
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Kenneth A - 08/12/2022
I would like to thank priority health supplies for many reasons. The Pressure Cooker was at a Very Very Good Price. The lead time was 8 months, but I received it in ONE WEEK, brand new in the box. The ALL AMERICAN MODEL 915 155 QT PRESSURE COOKER is a Quality made cooker made to use. We will be using it to can for our family and friends as electricity is not always available.
08/12/2022 - San Lorenzo
I would like to thank Priority Health Supplies for Wonderful deal on the All American 915 Canner Pressure Cooker 15.5 qt. In addition to the Great price the lead time was 8 months, but I received it in One Week. The pressure canner is of exceptional quality built to use. My family and friends will use it as electricity is not always available. Thank You very much Ken
David B - 06/19/2022
The pressure canner was ship and arrived promptly. The product it self is amazing, definitely something the will last generation’s.
06/19/2022 - VT
You offered a great price for a great product. It was also shipped quickly.
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