About this CompanyCozyWinters: Keeping you warm and safe when it's cold inside or out (since 2002). CozyWinters is a family owned business that was born out of the founder's necessity to stay warm, and eventually led us to help create many of the products in our niche. We started, as we intend to continue on... Everything we've ever done, and will ever do, relies on listening to our customers and trying to exceed their expectations. Today we source or design our products specifically for our customers needs. Suppliers love us because we design products to our customer's specs, helping them to create products people love. Instead of pitching customers something that they might not need, we go to great lengths to anticipate our customer's needs, and listen to their requests and desires, in order to bring that next product to market. In fact, many of the products in our niche that you see on the Internet today we were instrumental in helping design and bring them to market. We try hard to give our customers what they need and make sure that they are satisfied and keep coming back. Its old-fashioned service, we treat our customers how we'd like to be treated.
4 Product Ratings and Reviews
Overall Star
About this Company
CozyWinters: Keeping you warm and safe when it's cold inside or out (since 2002). CozyWinters is a family owned business that was born out of the founder's necessity to stay warm, and eventually led us to help create many of the products in our niche. We started, as we intend to continue on... Everything we've ever done, and will ever do, relies on listening to our customers and trying to exceed their expectations. Today we source or design our products specifically for our customers needs. Suppliers love us because we design products to our customer's specs, helping them to create products people love. Instead of pitching customers something that they might not need, we go to great lengths to anticipate our customer's needs, and listen to their requests and desires, in order to bring that next product to market. In fact, many of the products in our niche that you see on the Internet today we were instrumental in helping design and bring them to market. We try hard to give our customers what they need and make sure that they are satisfied and keep coming back. Its old-fashioned service, we treat our customers how we'd like to be treated.
K C - 01/13/2024
I'm using the stand for the cozy legs panel. It fits in loosely so if you bump the panel it does slide out.
01/13/2024 - PA
shopping was easy
Yvonne S - 01/17/2020
The stand for cozy product works well.
01/17/2020 - MD
I have no complaints regarding the company or products. I does what it was suppose to do.
Rebecca F - 03/27/2018
Holds the heater so you can adjust it closer for more warmth instead of mounting the panel on the cube wall which could be farther away.
03/27/2018 - OH
Office approved heaters, alwasy excellent.
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