7 Product Ratings and Reviews
Coma Inducer Oversized Comforter - Me Sooo Comfy - Glacier Gray
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Overall Star
Mia D - 07/25/2024
Did not use it yet, it’s for a college dorm but looks very comfortable
07/25/2024 - New Jersey
Hopefully they look as good as on the screen!
Renee M - 03/07/2024
Nice and thick, beautiful material. We loved it, just not the color on our space so we'll be exchanging it, but it's a beautiful blanket!
The website is really a difficult experience. I wish you could just search the comforter style and then select what color you want it in (like most websites do). This makes you scroll down and entire page. I REALLY don't like how once something is in your cart, you can't click on it to see it again. I had to copy the item title and put it in the search bar every time I wanted to review my options. That was really annoying. Next
Amanda A - 12/20/2023
Love love love! Now I will never get out of Bed!!
Easy, affordable and so excited!!
Amy S - 12/09/2023
As warm as my other Coma Inducers. So soft that I can’t keep my pets off of it! Snuggly and perfect for Christmas comfort.
12/09/2023 - TN
Annoying to have to shop by individual item instead of choosing an item, then a color. A lot of long, loose threads.
Dianna G - 04/25/2023
Great product
My shopping experience has been positive
Carla H - 07/23/2021
Love it
07/23/2021 - MO
Will buy from them again
Bethany H - 10/10/2020
This blanket is life changing! It makes me not want to leave my bed ever again ;)
10/10/2020 - VT
Absolutely LOVE these blankets! They're life changing!
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