Kerr Medical Reviews
About this CompanyWelcome to Kerr Medical. We specialize in Bed Alarms, Mobility, Bathroom & Bathing, and Incontinence products for caregivers. They have one of the toughest jobs there is, and are often over-worked. As every one of our staff members has been a caregiver at some point, we understand the difference having the right tools to do the job can make.
We pride ourselves on our friendly, knowledgeable Customer Service team. If you need any assistance placing an order, or are unsure what product best fits your needs, please call us. Our staff knows which products are best in which situations, so rest assured that we will find the right fit for you.
If you are looking for products to improve the quality of life of both caregivers and their patients, you have come to the right place!
6 Product Ratings and Reviews
Package 19 - Motion Sensor & Pager (Alarm Away from Patient)
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Overall Star
About this Company
Welcome to Kerr Medical. We specialize in Bed Alarms, Mobility, Bathroom & Bathing, and Incontinence products for caregivers. They have one of the toughest jobs there is, and are often over-worked. As every one of our staff members has been a caregiver at some point, we understand the difference having the right tools to do the job can make.
We pride ourselves on our friendly, knowledgeable Customer Service team. If you need any assistance placing an order, or are unsure what product best fits your needs, please call us. Our staff knows which products are best in which situations, so rest assured that we will find the right fit for you.
If you are looking for products to improve the quality of life of both caregivers and their patients, you have come to the right place!
JohnC - 07/29/2022
This is my 4th purchase of this product. People have need of this product because a loved one has dementia and tries to leave the bed without assistance. So I give it away and give instruction on placement and adding an on/off wireless switch to control the alarm.
07/29/2022 - FL
Always the best products and shipping.
Mary V - 08/22/2021
It is keeping my 95 year old mother safe in an assisted living facility. She had dementia and sometimes wanders from the facility.
08/22/2021 - Wisconsin
As you can see by the 5 stars I am happy
John C - 09/29/2020
This is the ideal product to verify that your loved one doesn't get out of bed without assistance.
09/29/2020 - FL
Tamara D - 03/21/2020
I am using this with my elderly grandmother. It works amazingly! The alarm rings before she sits up in bed and I am able to assist her before she gets up on her own. I highly recommend this.
03/21/2020 - Vermont
Very happy with service and first experience with Kerr Medical.
John C - 01/21/2020
As a dementia caregiver within a home setting, this is a necessary item to prevent wandering during my sleep time. In fact this is my second purchase of the same item, in order to assist a similar caregiver abroad. One other purchase is need though. Please click this link: This item provides a way to arm the device while you are out of range of the motion sensor.
01/21/2020 - FL
Craig J - 01/15/2020
Great buy!!!
01/15/2020 - Illinois
Sofia is great. Give her a raise.
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